Spoken ISO/TEI convertor ======================== This document explains how to convert media-aligned texts in ISO/TEI format to Tsakorpus JSON. See general information about source convertors and their configuration files :doc:`here `. Convertor: ``/src_convertors/iso_tei_hamburg2json.py``. Spoken ISO/TEI format --------------------- TEI_ is a format for annotating texts. *ISO/TEI for spoken language* is a subset of TEI that describes how spoken language data can be encoded in TEI. Despite formalizing some aspects, both TEI in general and spoken ISO/TEI allow for too much variation: same data can be encoded in thousands different ways. This is why it is impossible to create a convertor that could work with *any* spoken ISO/TEI data. This convertor can work with a `specific version of spoken ISO/TEI `_ used in the INEL_ project. .. _TEI: https://tei-c.org/ .. _INEL: https://www.slm.uni-hamburg.de/inel.html Configuration ------------- There are no parameters specific for this particular convertor. Please see documentation on :doc:`general parameters ` and :doc:`glosses-to-tags conversion `.